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Anonymous commented at 2017-08-31 17:27:05 » #2162629

It's a shame there's no more pictures about Haruhiko's mom or Enigma.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-09-01 17:55:27 » #2162931

In my opinion, this was the only part I could care about this show.
But I find that kiss one of the worst kisses in anime for various reasons:

1-That was a kiss between a mother and her own son. Imagine how unsettling would be for him the fact that his own mother stole his first kiss after a long time she abandoned him, even if that mother was just possessed by a phantom. If people would find out that "little secret", they could label him and his mother as weirdos and probably despise them. Haruhiko would be bullied and his mother treated as a child molester.

2-That kiss was a chance for Enigma to steal his powers and to be able to destroy the entire human race. After that, Haruhiko would feel responsible for the almost horrible disaster Enigma could do, making him feel depressed and leading him to suicide.

It's ironic for me to consider that scene one of the worst kisses in anime and find that kinda interesting. But it's really amazing how forgotten this relationship was by Rule 34, they are more focused on Mai Kawakami instead.

I think this show wasn't popular enough for more hentai and especially for hentai of characters with less screen-time, which is a pity.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-17 11:55:18 » #2220964

In my opinion, that scene shows how anime's decay gets worse alongside with Japan's morals.

1 Points Flag