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bmjy1000 commented at 2017-05-19 17:11:11 » #2130343

Ha! Because of the hiatuses.

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CharsDeleted初号機 commented at 2017-05-20 11:41:50 » #2130527

Since One Piece is so phenomenally successful and popular, I wonder why there only have to be 2 genres of video game (beat-em-up dynasty warriors, and 1v1 3d fighters). Kinda bugs me that there aren't any Adventure, exploration, or even Zelda or dungeon-crawling type games (or even platformers, man, with all the parkour the Straw Hats do).

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-20 22:50:28 » #2130700

That would actually be pretty damn cool, an action adventure exploring type game like Zelda or even Super Mario. But that would take a lot of time and resources so unless fans really demanded it I can't see such a game taking off.

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