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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-20 23:40:32 » #2141678

I'm super sad that Trunks and Goten don't get to go to the tournament and meet these three there. Even worse because they should be old enough to have grown capable enough for a tournament - even of this caliber. Not solely because of their ability to fuse, either. I think Cabba's Lil' Squad would enjoy it just as much and it would pay for itself through fan art. Anyway, love this shot. Wish I could tag it properly.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-24 18:33:17 » #2142797

Idk. I really don't see how anything special would come from Trunks and Goten meeting the U6 sayians.

And as for at the tournament goes, they aren't skilled enough, and they would be ring-out'd first by any smart fighter.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-26 16:30:41 » #2143388

Sort of depends on your idea of special, you know? Seeing the younger batch of Super Saiyajins face off from both universes sounds fun to me. If not to you, that's okay. I still feel it's a missed opportunity, but hopefully it does happen some day and it's as humorous and exciting as I hope.

I respect your opinion of Goten and Trunks' ability in that you have a right to disagree with me. But I think you're wrong. I think Super just screwed up on them as a whole, not giving them any growth visually or mentally, when we all know they should have at least some. They're years older than they behave and look. When fused, they fought Super Buu and did fairly well, when they really were just little kids. Now they should be older by some regard. They aren't, but should be.

Even if they were out of practice, Super put Gohan back together in, what, a few hours? Besides, any smart, experienced fighter might get them, yes, but might you just be basing that off of the Goten and Trunks we got instead of the properly aged versions we deserved? I mean, if so, I get it, but even if you are, its not right to talk about them like they've never trained or fought a vital enemy before. They have (though fused) and did damn good. At their real ages, depicted right, they'd do fine. Without that, they'd still be able to contribute just as much as Kale or Caulifla, who we can fairly imagine haven't really done anything like this, too. Either way, there's no killing and the contestants can't fly. If they could fly by accident, maybe they'd get U7 disqualified, but they really just plain can't do more than jump well, so no worry there. If they were given hours to train, why wouldn't they be ready?

Anyway, they'll probably be used for useless filler during the tournament to pad time. If so, don't you think that's kind of worse? With Freeza about to scheme through the tournament, neither of the U7 teens would cause any more problems than him. They've been shafted from any real spotlight for a good while and this would have been a good pretext to change that. But oh well. Super is getting better and that's still good news.

2 Points Flag