Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: bug?
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senpai - Group: Member - Total Posts: 91
Posted on: 07/29/08 01:32AM

maybe its a bug maby not...
you know the little "+" you can click to add a word in your search
well if you 'right click open in new tab' anyone of them google always comes up.. this a bug or ..does google pay you do that or what?

[p.s i use firefox 2]

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2280
Posted on: 07/29/08 02:19AM

It's not a bug, nor do we get money (Wish they'd pay!), it's just what we have set for the anchor. The reason is we use javascript to do the +- function of adding subtracting tags from the results, and this is an efficient way to make it span a long list of tags to add and subtract.

I'll change the site to gelbooru, it's just something we left there during the testing stage.

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