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Now Viewing: Request: Gelbooru PicLens Enabled.. someday?
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Zerch - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
Request: Gelbooru PicLens Enabled.. someday?
Posted on: 08/08/08 03:15AM

I'm sure that most of the people here have tried that nice Firefox plugin already, it allows you to surf through sites with a ridiculous number of pics (like this one) in a really easier (and faster) way, so, would you PicLens enable the site? even the competition (sites similar to this one) have it already (but of course this is the best =P ) it just takes like 5 minutes in the official site, well, that's all i ask here, thanks for reading (i hope you have).

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2280
Posted on: 08/08/08 09:04AM

This feature was being discussed between me and geltas a few days ago and he said it was simple enough to add. It's not going to be high priority as there are still other updates that are being done to catch us up with Danbooru's current layout and overall usability.

Zerch - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
Posted on: 08/08/08 08:06PM

Ok, fair enought to me,now i know it's gonna be enabled eventually, thanks for replying man. ^^

Zerch - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
Posted on: 09/18/08 03:57AM

Hmm.. more than a month has passed and still i thought it wouldn't take more than 5 mins. to enable the site for piclen (now cooliris) the site claims to take that much time enabling any site, oh well, hey ppl in the forum if you agree with me and want the site to be Piclens enabled make a reply, it's for a good cause! ^^

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2280
Posted on: 09/18/08 06:11AM

It is ready for 0.2.0

Once the rest of the features are completed, it will be released. It's a major overhaul and geltas has a university to attend.

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