Your Favorite Uploaded Image by the Previous User?Posted on: 12/31/21 08:17PM
Happy 2022, Gelbooru! To celebrate the new year, let's play a chain-thread game where we share our favorite contributions to this image board by our fellow members.
Post a link to your favorite image uploaded by the previous person to post in this thread, and provide a brief explanation for why you like that upload. If none of that user's uploads appeal to you, you can say so, but please be respectful with your reasons why.
If you haven't uploaded any images to Gelbooru yourself, that's okay! You can still play, but the next person to answer will simply skip over you and share an image from the last person to post with uploads.
Have fun!
EDIT 5/24/24: If you have already shared your favorite overall upload by a previous user, you can instead pick your favorite from their first page of recent uploads. This way, there's always new images to pick from the same user!