Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Something's wrong ...
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KoushirouIcheda - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Something's wrong ...
Posted on: 09/16/08 12:09PM

Since one or two weeks ago I got funny problems with gelbooru. I save a lot of files on my local harddrive for slideshows and got around 15.000 files so far. Up until two weeks ago there was a chance of perhaps 0.01 percent of two different pictures having the same name i.e. "e6788958d0bdf0d35014c8757e504bb60110154b.jpg". But since then a lot more than 50% of the new files I save have the same name as some old (different) ones. What's wrong? Did somebody change the algorithm for filename generation or wtf is going on here?

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2280
Posted on: 09/16/08 02:36PM

This is by early design. I'll see if geltas wants to change the hash names sometime (maybe never). I've already mentioned this to him a long while ago. It seems it would not be a good idea though to change so late in the game as we would be getting 404's from hundreds of sites. :s

geltas - Group: Administrator - Total Posts: 6
Posted on: 09/16/08 05:57PM

We are using a combination of folders and hashes to avoid file collisions on our end. This does however mean that anyone not using this structure will get collisions since the filenames are not unique on a global level. This system is quite unlikely to change so i would recommend to start splitting your files up into folders, or making sure to rename any duplicates when you download an image.

KoushirouIcheda - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Posted on: 09/17/08 05:22AM

Sure, that's what I'm already doing. Someday I'll come to your serverfarm and get all this neat stuff via lan. omg I can only imagine how much you pay for this massive file host -.-

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2280
Posted on: 09/17/08 07:28AM

Let me know when you do so I can meet you there. I have to make sure you don't break or steal anything. :3

I could release the images in 1,000 batches. That'd be easiest... *starts checking sizes*

KoushirouIcheda - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Posted on: 09/17/08 07:47AM

Nahh don't go through all this trouble. It would be pointless to have ALL the images without the gelbooru tag system behind it. I love this site and this system and as long as it will remain only I will visit and tag and up- and download as much as I can.

Zafmg - Group: Member - Total Posts: 27
Posted on: 09/22/08 05:25AM

If it gets to be too much of a hassle dealing with all the file name conflicts on your end, you could always mass-rename your files.

You can opt to take the somewhat crude Windows OS approach (select all your files and press F2, rename the file and all the others will have that name with an appended (##) where the sharp/hash sign denotes a decimal) or you can find a free Mass Renamer program.

KoushirouIcheda - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Posted on: 10/04/08 06:26PM

Yeah, I already do mass renames sometimes with a very small vb script.

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