Posted on: 09/21/24 12:03AM
Also, my response to BaconMinion's takes
BaconMinion said:
New Hope: Literally saved in editing, and even what we got wasn't amazing. Lucas was never a good writer and his weird obsession with old Japanese samurai films isn't something I share.
1. About the "saved in the edit" thing (which I've seen thrown a lot by people downplaying George Lucas role in making his own damn film). It can't be denied the important work that Marcia Lucas did and she deserves more credit. And the rough cut of Star Wars was a product of a nightmare of production, which actually put George Lucas' health at risk. So it's amazing that a great film came out of it. With that said, if the rough cut was 100% bad, not even the edit would have saved it. The edit took everything that was good about the rough cut (the actors' work, for example), edited and put together the scenes, edited the effects, sounds, and music, and made it all work.
Also no shit it was "saved in the edit". All films have to go through the edit to go from the rough cut to the actual film.
2. The matter on George Lucas being a good or bad writer will never be settled, as there are people who'll defend or critique George. But people who downplay his role in, at the very least, creating the world of Star Wars and the characters, and say that he "sucks at story" are dumb.
3. Lucas' "obsession" with old Japanese samurai films has a name: inspiration. Film makers have films they're inspired by to make their own.
BaconMinion said:
Empire: Lucas didn't have as much to do with this one, so it's actually decent. I still don't like Hoth all that much, and Yoda acting liker a goofball is more annoying than anything else. The best idea, Anakin and Vader being the same person, came from this, and it tried to plant some seeds with a sister, which was meant to be its own trilogy.
1. You know that Lucas had to come up with the story, right?
2. How dare you talk shit about Hoth (the AT-AT fight is peak)
3. Yoda acts goofy for only 2 scenes to test Luke's patience
BaconMinion said:
Return: I fucking hate Jabba, and the special edition made things so much worse. The Death Star somehow returned, because fuck it. Endor is somehow second worst, because everything to do with Jabba was dogshit. It also made Leia into Luke's sister, forever killing the whole notion of another trilogy featuring Luke's sister being trained on the other side of the galaxy. Leia also does jack shit for most of the film, betraying what was once a good character. Harrison Ford should have just gotten what he wanted and Han to be killed off, given how little he had to do in the movie, outside of be some kind of jealous jackass over Leia and Luke.
1. For talking shit about Jabba, your sentence is to be devoured by the Rancor.
2. Controversial opinion, but I like the Special Edition's Jedi Rocks in a so-bad-its-good way. It makes me laugh.
3. Besides the in-universe explanations on how a Death Star II could be built, the reason George "resurrected" the Death Star was because the original concept of making a climax on Coruscant was too expensive.
4. "everything to do with Jabba was dogshit". You mean the battle with the Rancor and the Sarcoon Pit fight was dogshit? Do you lack the capacity to feel joy?
5. Leia was made into Luke's sister because George cancelled the plans for a "find Luke's sister" trilogy due to burnout (didn't help that he went through a divorce at the time).
BaconMinion said:
Phantom Menace: Oh. Fucking. Boy. A movie that could be skipped and you would only be very vaguely confused, because after this there's a massive time skip, and we're reintroduced to Anakin anyway. Lucas was never good at writing, but Lord have mercy.
You can't skip it, actually. Otherwise, you won't know that Anakin comes from Tatooine and has a mom there that its critical for his subplot in Episode II. Or when he met and fell for Padme. Or why Nute Gunray has a grudge against Padme and wants her dead, which kickstarts the plot of Episode II. Or where Jar Jar (who gives power to Palpatine) came from. Or who is Qui-Gon.
BaconMinion said:
Attack of the Clones: Lucas took what sounded like a cool lore idea, The Clone Wars, and turned it into a war between clones and robots, two forces that I have no reason to care about. Since I know the republic is dead, I can't even feel tension for that.
So you're biggest problem isn't stuff like the Anakin/Padme romance, but the fact the Clone Wars....was a war with clones....Ok.
"Since I know the republic is dead, I can't even feel tension for that." We know the Republic and Jedi will fall, that Anakin will turn to the dark side, and Palpatine will take over. It's called dramatic irony, dipshit.
BaconMinion said:
Revenge of the Sith: Palpy fighting Yoda was honestly the best part of the movie. Everything else was tripe and I wish I could have my memory wiped like C-3PO.
"Palpy fighting Yoda was honestly the best part of the movie" Yeah, that part was dope :D Especially when Palpy was throwing the Senate seats to Yoda
"Everything else was tripe" Oof! So close. Anyway, get ratio'd by the opera scene with Palpatine and Anakin.