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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-08 00:06:41 » #1999887

And here we have a bunch of idiots arguing about something that will never happen.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-08 00:08:58 » #1999888

VR is definitely just a fad. You need to blow ridiculous amounts of money on it for it to be even remotely fun, to be able to truly develop something groundbreaking on it would require making a product under the assumption that everybody is capable of affording the best hardware (which is not the case), the actual game types which are out on it that could actually be truly called games or even 'fun' are seriously limited (VR hentai games not being among them), and everybody has too much of a romantic idea of how VR will be from sci-fi and other fiction to realize that real VR games will never achieve that level.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-08 00:18:39 » #1999895

What the actual Hell is going on in this comments section? Do you people really have to act like such fucking children or what? Why is it that some of the best images on this site have some of the most juvenile and just downright embarrassing comments on them?

Who the fuck cares if VR is a fad or not, or whether one enjoys it? And even if it's about a flash game that couldn't be feasibly ported to it, what's wrong with letting people talk about 'what-ifs' and stuff? And those strings of comments all one after another, is somebody just getting their friends to comment bomb this particular page?

Honestly, with stuff like this tending to be the norm I see, Gelbooru really should just do away with the comments section and limit all discussion to the forum. It's obvious people can't act civilly on the pages themselves, and at least in the forums you can make multiple topics instead of watching a depressing chain of 'I wanna do this character' comments devolve into shit-flinging childish arguing. Shame that'll never happen.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-08 00:23:06 » #1999899

Dude, Trump's the next Hitler and you're arguing about this?!!

4 Points Flag
Bakayarou-sama commented at 2017-07-16 03:41:28 » #2149497

You know, I've never really been into cat girls or dog girls...until now. Damn. The perfect wife.

0 Points Flag
Goku999 commented at 2021-06-25 06:16:44 » #2624213

I say this is absolutely beautiful

0 Points Flag
Shimachan commented at 2021-06-25 06:52:44 » #2624221

hes so sweet to her i hope they get pregnant c:

2 Points Flag