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less - Group: Member - Total Posts: 18
Posted on: 07/16/17 09:52AM

Just came back to World of Final Fantasy. Dogged it.
Been trying to find people to play Pokemon S/M with for the time being. Boring days..

smackmybitchup - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1295
Posted on: 07/16/17 05:19PM

Blazblue Cross Tag Battle is announced.

>Same sprites from BB and P4A.

6-7 games in, same sprites. What a bunch of lazy fucks.

Xalrun - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4877
Posted on: 07/16/17 08:51PM

Holy fuck want! I would love to see carmine vs Yuuki terumi

smackmybitchup - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1295
Posted on: 07/16/17 11:19PM

Who's Carmine?


Xalrun - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4877
Posted on: 07/17/17 09:18AM

Carmine is a character from under night in birth who fights using blood, he's crazy.

smackmybitchup - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1295
Posted on: 07/17/17 11:01AM

oh lol

What I want to see is a Dennis the Menace X Problem Child X Home Alone crossover fighting game.

sound_wave - Group: Member - Total Posts: 14
Posted on: 07/19/17 08:02PM

Right now I'm playing a 2003 game called Chaos Legion. The game was poorly received but I think most people didn't understand the gameplay mechanics. It's true that the game itsefl is rough around the edges and feels like it's unfinished, but I still find it fun to play.

By the way, the game is a Hack 'n Slash with RPG elements.

smackmybitchup - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1295
Posted on: 07/22/17 10:35AM

I platinum'd Nioh. It was about time.

Will go back to Breath of the Wild.

I might also platinum Life is Strange, since I got it on PS+ IGC for free.

Xalrun - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4877
Posted on: 07/22/17 12:49PM

You are too good at video games smack.

Anti_Gendou - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4399
Posted on: 07/22/17 02:22PM

Bought a few Steam games this year. I tend to wait for prices to drop (If they ever do, looking at you Koei)

Just Cause 3 - certainly Megumeme's favorite game.
Haven't quite decided if it is more fun than 2 at the point I'm at, but its still awesome... and certainly prettier explosions.

Also bought some old favorites I owned on console long ago, like Battlefront 2, and the entire damn Red Faction series. I don't usually buy games for PC if I already own them, so I often don't get to encounter how incredibly easy PC controls are to manage until I buy games like these.

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