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Anonymous commented at 2020-04-21 14:35:07 » #2516491

the end result of the all girls adventure group that was never seen again.... so sorry to see all that pussy wasted on goblins, and their dicks....

29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-21 22:44:19 » #2516638

This wouldn’t have happened if they stuck to the rat killing missions. Seriously, the adventurer’s guild really should put out a notice for every goblin mission of what the potential risks for women who might wanna take that quest are.

I highly doubt if the young, optimistic girls talked to some of the victims and captives that have escaped that they’d still consider doing it. Of course there’s still the potential for hubris and arrogance, the thought of “that’ll never happen to me” mentality leading to foolish decisions but at least the party would be making a more well-informed decision as opposed to getting completely blindsided when shit hits the fan. Sort of like sex-ed and the potential risks to unprotected sex, you can’t guarantee stupid decisions won’t be made but it’ll probably limit the cases of early pregnancy or contracted diseases by a quite a bit I’d imagine.

45 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-27 12:53:05 » #2519069

The thing is, nobody understands that the goblins are a threat. They are beginner enemies that anyone could take on in a head to head match. They are not physical threats. However, what adventurers don't get is that they have been hunted for so long, they are beginning to learn. Every goblin that escapes learns more and more how to counter adventurers until we get the Goblin Lord at the end of Season 1.

It's one of those threats that nobody pays attention to until it is too late because they think that other things(evil cults and demons) are the real threats and nothing under them is just for beginner adventurers looking to make some coin.

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-01 22:26:27 » #2520930

To me, it feels like goblins are a constant problem. They’ve got serious numbers and unless there’s another way to keep those numbers up, it’s clearly a problem that should be recognized. But it’s a problem that doesn’t really get the attention it deserves. Sort of like a disaster, shooting or war happening elsewhere, it really doesn’t concern people unless they’re directly affected or involved. And because unlike how it is today where news and information is more readily accessible and gets around more, people of that world aren’t truly aware to what those little monsters are capable of or how far reaching they are unless they live in a smaller village where attacks from them are more frequent.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-03 10:06:04 » #2521725

Being an adventurer is inherently dangerous, and while the goblins are vicious little bastards, you could see pretty much the exact same outcome for a group of adventurers losing against a human bandit gang - the men dead and the girls tormented until they expire.

Goblins are cruel and evil, but not in any manner that exceeds evil humans or other monsters.

Which is ultimately what makes the Priestess a true adventurer - she understands the consequences for losing and is still willing to fight.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-16 00:51:46 » #2541672

Goblin slayer the anime that just really wants to be a hentai

26 Points Flag
Karen_Cujo commented at 2020-06-16 01:12:02 » #2541684

Goblins? Those are piece of cake in Oblivion!

5 Points Flag
TheNonBinaryVersionOfALoliOrShota commented at 2022-03-07 11:27:56 » #2694218

I've never seen Goblin Slayer, probably never will, but I thank it for the massive amounts of mass-rape hentai it has produced.

24 Points Flag
Schwarzerritter2 commented at 2023-06-25 19:34:54 » #2813320

What are these niggas talking about bruh

7 Points Flag