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TrueGenderEquality_ commented at 2021-08-19 21:32:26 » #2640917

Wait wouldn't electro cause the shells to explode in the cannons or even jam the rigging entirely?

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-08-20 01:14:46 » #2640958

I'm not a firearms expert but electricity has been used in some guns to fire ammunition and has been/is considered an potential option for naval cannons. The L118 Light Gun is a light weight Howitzer that uses electricity to set off the gunpowder to launch cannon shells and has been around 70s. The M61 Vulcan cannon is a rotary cannon or gatling gun that also does this and has been around since the late 50s.


Currently scientist and engineers are trying to improve the burn rate and control so the propellant or gunpowder creates plasma as it burns, resulting is better range, speed and power.


TLDR: Instead of a hammer igniting the gunpowder to launch the ammo, a spark of electricity does.

5 Points Flag
RhaSeven commented at 2021-08-20 01:34:16 » #2640966

@LivibgCorpse pretty informative response! Had a good read instead of the usual night (ya know what)

2 Points Flag
TrueGenderEquality_ commented at 2021-08-20 10:48:26 » #2641074

After reading and learning a couple of interesting bits it could work but I forgot siren ships fire freaking lasers so this wouldn't cause any problems well besides mihoyo definitely not letting you oath their girls and lewding them in anyway. Thanks for the knowledge on firing mechanisms didn't know it was around for a while and all I could think of is railguns from games shooting the round out but didn't know how.

1 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-09-07 03:08:18 » #2646957

Ah energy weapons, gonna be fun when those become more common. Masers and plasma might become more common knowledge. People are gonna learn that while lasers are energy weapons, not all energy weapons are lasers. Or not, people see a recoiless rifle and think it's a rocket launcher cause, well, it looks like one.

1 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-12-12 18:13:53 » #2671454

Oh yeah, the RPG-7 rocket launcher also uses electronic firing.

1 Points Flag