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Hehsjejeejje commented at 2024-01-04 14:21:24 » #2855796

I really hope this post is satire because this isn't straight, Bridget is a transgender woman mtf so it should be gay pride

9 Points Flag
Cocksta commented at 2024-01-19 06:57:42 » #2859387

How come not even the pro-trans people get the joke? Bridget is a trans woman. Yamato is a trans man. They're both trans. Them kissing is a heterosexual act but still queer.

12 Points Flag
SweetSoles commented at 2024-01-19 13:12:47 » #2859433

It's straight because this is a biological male (Bridget) kissing a biological female (Yamato). These characters aren't trans, it's just pronoun obsessed westerners pushing that narrative. Calling yourself the opposite gender doesn't automatically mean trans. Also, wanting Bridget to be trans means he's a grooming victim due to his parents + village. Him being a "girl" is regression. A manly Bridget is actual character development.

18 Points Flag
LazyLittleLily commented at 2024-01-19 13:47:56 » #2859440

not a single one of you bothered to click the source and find out this is in fact a joke/troll, the poster in the comments even say they "like the idea of Bridget being trans" and goes into detail about why they like it and also about Yamato as well, so all of you just being hateful and toxic for the sake of it in the end just played yourselves.

12 Points Flag
Ezalias commented at 2024-02-03 14:18:11 » #2862919

What use is flagging if diet Nazi shit like that stays up?

If your hot take on queer characters is 'gays eat children, debate me!' then go jerk off to photographs.

16 Points Flag
datura.okay commented at 2024-02-09 15:45:55 » #2864280

Funny how all the people that said trans people are child predators/groomers have loli or shota content somewhere on their profile.

I believe in leaving people to their own things, but you might want to do some introspection concerning some of the things you're whackin' off to before you start to speak up. Just enjoy the porn and move on, you hooligans.

15 Points Flag
forestdemonjoe commented at 2024-03-17 01:08:00 » #2875332

datura.okay TRUE like bruv if thats your ONLY argument then i dont wanna hear it best you get back to wanking off ya twat

2 Points Flag
TheSauceGod commented at 2024-09-15 17:23:30 » #2918168

I love Straight Pride

3 Points Flag
TrueGenderEquality_ commented at 2024-09-15 20:46:10 » #2918208

Character lore and storytelling is important in any game or series. The moment you take years of character history and dump it to change it into something else means everything is in danger of being morphed. A good example is Marvel or DC characters having their origins changed or the writer choosing to ignore key elements. They make a character look bad to replace them with whatever new hero is failing to succeed on their own.

For Bridget you absolutely destroy his story and create a situation that's even worse. It means he was forced to take on a female personality by his parents and the beliefs the village or whatever he came from had. Daisuke got ripped in Japan in forums because they thought he was adopting western cultures. This is why you see the rise of people in power like Ken Akamatsu the creator of Love Hina because they're seen as protectors of their culture and values.

If you want to destroy years of character development go right ahead and see how you have to fix so many loose ends and eventually just give up. Most people don't even care about Bridget and say they've cared for a long time but don't care about the story getting ripped. FGC especially don't give a damn since if they say anything they say goodbye to invites to events and tournaments. Ask them a question on Bridget lore and they'll breakdown. Ask me on Cammy and I'll tell you on how she got the scar on her face, delta red, her Cannon Spike game that probably isn't canon anymore, and even about a fan she had that gave her a towel in the comics.

Most people on here just attack the people that come with solid logic and examples with "you just hate" whatever and call you out on different things that have nothing to do with the situation. "You look at loli? You have no place to tell me I'm wrong ped" like what logic is that? Just stop already and return with a decent comeback or move on.

7 Points Flag
MommySensei commented at 2024-09-15 20:50:07 » #2918211

aint no one reading all that

0 Points Flag