Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Report Tag Poisoners
Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.

hentaiprovisions - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 142
Report Tag Poisoners
Posted on: 12/09/10 11:07AM

Please report tag poisoners here. Do not get into a tagging war with them. It only makes it harder to fix the problem.

Also please don't falsely report people.

internetlovemachine - Group: Fleet Admiral Cat - Total Posts: 3888
Posted on: 12/09/10 01:41PM

Dolljoints - Group: Member - Total Posts: 113
Posted on: 12/09/10 01:50PM

Thanks. I was using the report button on peoples' profiles, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

orenekosama - Group: Member - Total Posts: 131
Posted on: 12/10/10 03:49AM

How do you guys search for these tag poisoners?
Pick random user -> Look at edited tags?

Dolljoints - Group: Member - Total Posts: 113
Posted on: 12/10/10 04:30AM

Look through your uploaded pictures, notice that some have been tag-blanked, add the guys who did it to your list.
See the pattern in the subject matter, check the uploads of other users who upload the same things, add more tag poisoners to your list.

They can remove the general tags, but they can't remove the id of the user who uploaded an image, or remove it from private or personal pools.

Make a personal pool with pictures that they tend to hit.
The tag poisoners want to hide every single picture that they personally don't like from other users on the site, so they will tend to hit the select examples in your pool.
Making the pool personal means that they can't easily see which images are the tripwires.

Dalamar - Group: Member - Total Posts: 67
Posted on: 12/16/10 10:38PM

Muitsu tagged a TON of clearly non-child non-loli kasugano_sora images, as loli.
Hope someone gives that idiot a vacation. I'm not gonna bother doing cleanup, he'd probably just reverse it.

He probably poisoned a lot of other images too.
IMO, gelbooru should adopt danbooru's loli/child tagging policy, it makes searching much easier and more specific. If it ain't sexually suggestive, tag it child.

internetlovemachine - Group: Fleet Admiral Cat - Total Posts: 3888
Posted on: 12/16/10 10:47PM

Muitsu has done that to some of my images as well; He's one of those people who tags anything with a small chest loli. Fragnostic did it before him, loli rating:safe is huge thanks to them.

I asked if loli should be used for safe images a long long time ago, Lozer did say safe images of actual kids should be tagged child.

EDIT: I just feel like clarifying I don't mean just actual real life children, just in case I somehow managed to confuse someone into thinking that.

punchme - Group: Member - Total Posts: 69
Posted on: 12/17/10 10:58AM

Tag .... poisoners?

Are those the types that make a whole lot of subjective tags?

internetlovemachine - Group: Fleet Admiral Cat - Total Posts: 3888
Posted on: 12/17/10 11:28AM

punchme said:
Tag .... poisoners?

Are those the types that make a whole lot of subjective tags?

Those are tagging morons. A bit like the loli rating:safe thing.

punchme - Group: Member - Total Posts: 69
Posted on: 12/17/10 02:26PM

Ah, I see.

Muitsu tagged a TON of clearly non-child non-loli kasugano_sora images, as loli.

I would probably say he's a troll, but my net speak isn't so good.

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