Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Only One Page of Favorites Showing?
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artwill - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Only One Page of Favorites Showing?
Posted on: 08/27/23 07:38PM

I currently only have one page of my favorites showing. In the past i had three pages or so. At the bottom of the page all I see is '-1-" meaning that i only have one page available. When I delete a favorite one from the next page will be displayed on my only available page. I want to clarify, if I go to my profile I can see them all from there. However, if I click the "favorites" tab, it only displays one page. If I add one the opposite is true. Is this happening to anyone else?

jedi1357 - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 6006
Posted on: 08/27/23 09:15PM

It's working for me.

You got ad-block off and JavaScript enabled?

pencil_grey - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 11/20/24 03:55AM

Have the same issue, only workaround I found was manually editing the url to go to the next page. Just add &pid=50 at the end of the url when you're in the favorites page to go to page 2. &pid=100 will send you to page 3, &pid=150 will send you to page 4, and so on.

rrrrrick9854 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 31
Posted on: 11/20/24 04:23AM

I don't know the fix, but I guess you could use search fav:[userid] for the time being, although it won't sort by the date favourited.

Favourites page is working fine for me btw

cthcdn - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6
Posted on: 11/23/24 01:26AM

I wish I could group favorites by folders. I have too many favorites, so it gets quite chaotic.

rrrrrick9854 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 31
Posted on: 11/23/24 01:29AM

There's a feature called pools that you can use to categorise images independent of tags. I think personal pools are just what your are looking for

cthcdn - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6
Posted on: 11/23/24 01:38AM

Thank you. I will try to use it.

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