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Now Viewing: Other [edit: "queer people"] that use this site: WHY??? (Poll)
Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.

confidencemanharoldhill - Group: Member - Total Posts: 90
Other [edit: "queer people"] that use this site: WHY??? (Poll)
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:18PM

Pulling an Aella here & polling the room. Please comment your with your answer from A-G and explain your reasoning:

A. I am not queer.
B. I am queer but don't typically use this site.
C. I am a queer user of this site because it has good queer porn.
D. I am a queer user of this site because it has good non-queer porn.
E. I am a queer user of this site because it has good non-porn art.
F. I am a queer user of this site because it has a good community.
G. I am a queer user of this site because of other reasons (please explain.)

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:21PM

I don't know if you're or a troll or not, but if you're actually looking for some genuine answers, then that's a stupid ass way to phrase the question.

confidencemanharoldhill - Group: Member - Total Posts: 90
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:22PM

SadSap said:
I don't know if you're or a troll or not, but if you're actually looking for some genuine answers, then that's a stupid ass way to phrase the question.

Embarrassingly enough, I'm being earnest. How would you phrase it instead?

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1622
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:25PM


SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:25PM

"Gay/Queer users of this site, why do you use Gelbooru?"

ThePigeon - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8482
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:28PM

That title, Jesus.

And A. I guess.

confidencemanharoldhill - Group: Member - Total Posts: 90
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:30PM

ThePigeon said:
That title, Jesus.

And A. I guess.

I grew up on /pol/, so sue me.

confidencemanharoldhill - Group: Member - Total Posts: 90
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:32PM

supremz said:

Anyone and everyone who responds "Yes." when asked "are you queer?"

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5153
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:37PM

I don't think you're that stupid enough to actually believe most people looking at the title could get the wrong idea. As in, they're being insulted.

Even if it's a /pol/ style of talking, this isn't a 4chan board where crass language like that is used to casually describe everyone under the sun, straight or gay.

confidencemanharoldhill - Group: Member - Total Posts: 90
Posted on: 04/02/24 05:41PM

SadSap said:
I don't think you're that stupid enough to actually believe most people looking at the title could get the wrong idea. As in, they're being insulted.

Even if it's a /pol/ style of talking, this isn't a 4chan board where language like that is used to casually describe everyone under the sun, straight or gay.

Huh. I'm genuinely surprised that there's a standard of politeness here like that. Definitely not what I expected in the comments of (lets be real here) a porn site.
Fair enough, I'm down to follow suit on that front if it's the way here I guess.
Thanks for the heads up

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