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Finally, some good fucking food. (I didn't even see this thread when it got posted.) post #6798913 post #8700163 post #5576821 post #3197469 Here's a few from my uploads, but I'd rather just see what other people found.
stayinaliv3 said: for those of us interested in nice, cute, round, sexy butts that aren't huge but aren't small. ill start
Nice thread, op! When asses are mentioned, it's always this overinflated disgusting "thicccc" nonsense, nice to have a place for realistic sized, fit buttocks.
stayinaliv3 said: for those of us interested in nice, cute, round, sexy butts that aren't huge but aren't small. ill start
Nice thread, op! When asses are mentioned, it's always this overinflated disgusting "thicccc" nonsense, nice to have a place for realistic sized, fit buttocks.
burner_identification said: Nice thread, op! When asses are mentioned, it's always this overinflated disgusting "thicccc" nonsense, nice to have a place for realistic sized, fit buttocks.
Considering the "huge asses thread" is full of top tier thiccc booties, you're probably not just much of a cultured man.
Also you can enjoy something without throwing shade at the superior option something else, you know. It's kind of cringe.
burner_identification said: Nice thread, op! When asses are mentioned, it's always this overinflated disgusting "thicccc" nonsense, nice to have a place for realistic sized, fit buttocks.
Considering the "huge asses thread" is full of top tier thiccc booties, you're probably not just much of a cultured man.
Also you can enjoy something without throwing shade at the superior option something else, you know. It's kind of cringe.
To be fair man, you've done that as well. That message is a little passive-aggressive and is just going to kill the vibe.
Don't you think we've had enough people throwing shade back and forth like a mirror match of noob saibots?
Well, maybe I have, but that was only towards controversial stuff the majority of people don't like (lolis, certain weird fetishes, etc.) Not something as universally well liked and based as thiccness.
Also I see you too have "noob saibot" on the mind, lol.
I'd (obviously) have more to say, but you are absolutely right man, point taken. So let's get this back on the road with another Fate-butt: post #5070866 post #4946667