Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Image don't load on my phone
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Coll5 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Image don't load on my phone
Posted on: 09/30/24 05:03AM

Hello I have a problem. I can't see images on my phone, it's like they're nowhere to be found.

I have this problem no matter what browser I use. I only have this problem on my phone but not on my computer.

Maximinimal - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1027
Posted on: 09/30/24 06:03AM

on my end,there are no problem with it whatsoever.

eiks5 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 103
Posted on: 09/30/24 12:09PM

Have you tried an alternate DNS provider or a different VPN server on your phone? If it ain't DNS or poor routing then IDK.

Coll5 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 09/30/24 03:58PM

eiks5 said:
Have you tried an alternate DNS provider or a different VPN server on your phone? If it ain't DNS or poor routing then IDK.

I change the DNS and now it's work thanks

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