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Now Viewing: The Sexy Fantasy Thread
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ouranos - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
The Sexy Fantasy Thread
Posted on: 12/12/24 08:58PM

So what are your favorite posts involving bikini armor or other sexy fantasy attire?
To start:
post #9995019
post #5082844
post #4640359
post #3465835
post #4286085

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 525
Posted on: 12/12/24 09:33PM

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1545
Posted on: 12/12/24 10:22PM

post #11106081
post #9610832

Valis was a great series. Then it died. Then it came back as a shitty hentai game and died again. Then it came back as a low effort cash in compilation on the Switch and was censored.

post #10925765

And then there's Rusty, which was a Castlevania knock off that had some good ideas and could have become its own thing. But it didn't. so it remains just "Castlevania but with a dominatrix."

post #8958795

Then there's Brandish, which honestly never got the love and attention it really needed.

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 525
Posted on: 12/12/24 11:40PM

nice ones, Bacon

looks like my favourite Dela art isn't on here... for some reason they're both from album covers, lol:

burner_identification - Group: Member - Total Posts: 207
Posted on: 12/13/24 08:19AM

Super cool thread op, props.

The girl from Genmu Senki Leda is a classic.;tags=genmu_senki_leda

One ova short I liked back in the day was Dragon Half. The manga has interesting artstyle too, a bit too deformed to be sexy, but nice to look at.

Other than bikini armor, I've always vibed a lot with belly dancing attire, with all the accessories and soft fabrics.
Here's one from Honoo no Labyrinth. Despite all the tech advancements, animation that catches subtle movements like this is really rare these days. :(
post #10387168
Also, it's not exactly fantasy, but the trio from Suisei no Gargantia never fails to make... pay attention.
post #6255005

BaconMinion - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1545
Posted on: 12/13/24 08:38AM

post #5397973

Athena proves why running around in a bikini for armor is a dangerous thing.

And if we're talking about dancers...

post #10225270

Never forget DQ4.

post #373991

And let's not forget Langrisser.

JoshkLmi - Group: Member - Total Posts: 16
Posted on: 01/05/25 01:04PM

Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest, Langrisser are the top 3 tags

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