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Now Viewing: A bug/mis-set setting in/for chat
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DocWatson - Group: Member - Total Posts: 134
A bug/mis-set setting in/for chat
Posted on: 12/31/24 04:35PM

Greetings and felicitations. I've discovered that when I post a new comment in live chat, I very shortly get a notification that a new message has been created--my own. If there a way (for the mods) to shut this off?

Oots - Group: Member - Total Posts: 7
Posted on: 01/01/25 04:27AM

In the beginning, I used to get fooled by that too. It turns out that that's just how the Live Chat system works. So, every time after I post a message, I refresh the page. That way, when you go back to the main Gelbooru site, you won't see the notification. It's a small but tedious workaround.

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