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Now Viewing: So how do we feel about the word "gooning"?
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6467
So how do we feel about the word "gooning"?
Posted on: 01/12/25 11:32AM

"Gooning", as you surely may already know by now, basically means masturbating. Originally, it meant that if you masturbate for hours in a specific kind of way, that you'd reach a brief state of "nirvana". However, it later turned into just another word for masturbating. Like fapping.

I've slowly started to really, really, really hate the term now. And it's all because of fucking idiots who say "goon" to describe anything that's sexual as some sort of criticism or a personal attack. It went from a slightly funny word to describe beating your meat, to terminally online angry puritanical virgins using "goon" as a prefix to insult you as some kind of porn addict.

For example, Tifa Lockhart is "goonbait". Because she's attractive and has big breasts, clearly that means that YOU are supposed to be masturbating to them for hours on end every day of your life. Asuka and Rei from Evagenllion are "pedophile goonbait". Hatsune Miku? Totally goonbait, you porn addict. And so on and so forth.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1671
Posted on: 01/12/25 12:23PM

I remember being a teenager for the first time. Every new generation has to invent their own slang to disassociate themselves from their parents so they don’t feel unoriginal. Otherwise there is this identity crisis that is not at all fun to deal with during adulthood. I say leave them be. They’re still better than the nofap crowd…

humingbird - Group: Member - Total Posts: 528
Posted on: 01/12/25 12:54PM

younger people slang

we had equally stupid shit, it's whatever

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 661
Posted on: 01/12/25 12:57PM

It ironically made me retroactively like the word fap (the creation of the site called "the fappening" didn't help), before goon I actually didn't even like the word fap XD but I got an email for NY from a hentai site that said "Fappy New Year!" and now I see the light of FAP.

And at least fap makes more sense because it sounds like the action, goon is just a random made up word pull out of someone's ass.

Btw, I'm not sure but wasn't "gooner" something that first came out of the whole trend that started with calling anyone older than zoomers a boomer, and then doomers, then coomers, then gooners?

VIZARD_ - Group: Member - Total Posts: 682
Posted on: 01/12/25 12:59PM

Fap is better

Orphan_crippler - Group: Member - Total Posts: 717
Posted on: 01/12/25 01:12PM

It may be because im stupid, but I don't see this trend of creating new dumb words or expressions in my country (Mexico), only in the USA, like, best case i can imagine is how some 40-50 years old men would say "Siniestro" or something like idrc when they want to say something is cool or that it is interesting, while everyone below that age will say "Chido" or some variant when trying to say cool, above that age they don't use any interesting expression at all.

Also, I hate the word gooning simply because it has been used as a generic slur like nazi or narcissistic or incel (yes, I consider all 4 to be on the same level) for so long I simply dont wanna read it

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 661
Posted on: 01/12/25 01:15PM

Gooner is only useful as a word for specifically edging, but then you could just say edging, lol. But calling yourself or someone an "edger" is kinda weird so gooner works in that case. But if most people see the word as referring to all fapping now then its useless in that sense. Kinda funny but i just found out gooner was also a term for Arsenal football fans before all this XD fun times for them right now...

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 829
Posted on: 01/12/25 01:23PM

When it comes to coining insults they always shoot themselves on the foot by calling people who either have a girlfriend or already is married a "gooner." It's like they're creating the best armor with these insults because there are people who wears their insults like badges.

RomanticDevil - Group: Member - Total Posts: 87
Posted on: 01/12/25 02:44PM

I'll still use fap. Gooner is a word used to insult people

Hatrade - Group: Member - Total Posts: 77
Posted on: 01/12/25 04:53PM

funny word

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