Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Is there a limit ?
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Satoshi_Haku - Group: Member - Total Posts: 19
Is there a limit ?
Posted on: 01/27/25 11:28AM

So i am new to this site and i wanted to know if the blacklist and pools have a limit to how much you can add/make

Moonman - Group: Member - Total Posts: 389
Posted on: 01/27/25 12:45PM

Blacklist is saved to your account but stored on your device as a cookie so it's limited by the maximum size of a cookie, which is 4093 bytes. My blacklist is 699 characters total including spaces, so it equates to 699 bytes.

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