Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Marvel Rivals
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SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6467
Marvel Rivals
Posted on: 01/29/25 05:37PM

Have you played Marvel Rivals? Do you have any interest in trying it out?

Finally got around to trying it out, and it's pretty damn good.

Also feel free to talk about NSFW lewds, because why not!

VIZARD_ - Group: Member - Total Posts: 682
Posted on: 01/29/25 06:01PM

It's funny u say that bcuz my friend brought it up to me yesterday on how he finally played it and thought it was pretty decent its personally not my type of game or play style but man those lewds are amazing especially the ones for invisible woman

CarbuncleMew - Group: Member - Total Posts: 119
Posted on: 01/29/25 08:49PM

I'm enjoying it, wish the ttk was a little higher and that the skins had unique voicelines though.

ShitCakes - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 01/31/25 12:30AM

Ironfist haunts me

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