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Now Viewing: How to deal with shame ?
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Satoshi_Haku - Group: Member - Total Posts: 19
How to deal with shame ?
Posted on: 01/30/25 09:21AM

I always feel so bad because of the type of stuff im looking at , what should i do ?

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1671
Posted on: 01/30/25 10:38AM

Look in the mirror and ask the person you see how you can live with yourself

Mderms - Group: I do edits sometimes. - Total Posts: 1677
Posted on: 01/30/25 10:55AM

Easily. Repress it so much until you don't think about it anymore.

Satoshi_Haku - Group: Member - Total Posts: 19
Posted on: 01/30/25 11:24AM

How ?

Maximinimal - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1248
Posted on: 01/30/25 11:33AM

I'll just agree with supremz with this one,consult yourself,this is a "you" problem,alright..and only you know how to fix one's gonna judge except that reflection in the mirror you saw.

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 661
Posted on: 01/30/25 11:49AM

Shame comes from a feeling/perception of having done something wrong, so ask yourself why do to you feel ashamed and are you really doing anything wrong? If you don't believe you are doing something wrong, then the shame could be coming from feeling like you've done something wrong socially rather than logically. Sexual attraction and arousal are natural, universal, human things, so I would have to assume any shame is coming out of social reasoning rather than logical reasoning.

I don't feel ashamed of masturbation and any of the sexual content I like to look at, because I understand they are fantasies and all human beings can have fantasies (only question is whither they repress them or not), but at the same time I understand others in my life wouldn't view it the same way I do so I keep it to myself. I do not shame myself by my thoughts, feelings, and actions but others would shame me for my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6462
Posted on: 01/30/25 12:48PM

I don't know if OP is actually being genuine or not. Because of that, I'm just gonna cut straight to the point: Don't feel shame jerking it to big anime titties. There's no reason to. Embrace it.

And this is my hot take, but the only way anyone should feel shame of looking at porn if they've got some weird ass fetishes that deserve either mockery or hateful contempt.

You should not be ashamed of liking hentai in this day and age. I feel zero shame in liking hentai and pornography. In fact, I think it's society and prudishness that's the real problem. I'll die on the hill that these are very acceptable things to like, just so long as you aren't being a weirdo or a creeper in real life.

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 661
Posted on: 01/30/25 12:59PM

burner_identification - Group: Member - Total Posts: 235
Posted on: 01/30/25 01:30PM

gulabjamuns said:
If you don't believe you are doing something wrong, then the shame could be coming from feeling like you've done something wrong socially rather than logically.

This is the most important point. Try to learn to differentiate between honest guilt you feel because of yourself ("I think this is wrong"), and shame that you feel because others ("what would I do if they find it out...?"). If it's the first, it is okay wanting to change, but if it's the second, fuck those guys, enjoy your life as long as you don't hurt others.

And as the other's said, shame because of pornography is almost always the second kind, unless you look at really-really messed up stuff. So keep on fapping, soldier.

PaPenguin - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 01/30/25 01:55PM

Comfort yourself with the thought that nobody else knows.

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