Besides Movies, What Are Your Favorite Pieces of Star Wars Media?Posted on: 01/30/25 01:08PM
I'm in a big Star Wars mood right now, and I want to know that besides the movies, what are the favorite pieces of Star Wars media for other people? You can name games, comic books, manga, live-action shows, animated series, novels, etc.
The only thing that I ask if that you all try not to start any arguments between "Legends vs Canon." I overall prefer Legends myself (though I still have my fair share of dislike towards some stuff in it), but there is Star Wars stuff that I like from both continuities.
My overall biggest favorite Star Wars media, (even over the movies) is the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon. It was the first thing from Star Wars I saw as a kid, and I nearly watched every single episode as it first premiered on Cartoon Network, and I originally purchased Netflix just to watch the sixth season, which was a Netflix-original at first.
For Comic Books, I love Charle Soule's Darth Vader and Knights of the Old Republic comic featuring Zayne Carrick who is one of my favorite Jedi Characters in the entire franchise.
The only live-action Star Wars show I've completed is Andor, and I loved almost every second of it.