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Now Viewing: Besides Movies, What Are Your Favorite Pieces of Star Wars Media?
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Monbo - Group: Member - Total Posts: 146
Besides Movies, What Are Your Favorite Pieces of Star Wars Media?
Posted on: 01/30/25 01:08PM

I'm in a big Star Wars mood right now, and I want to know that besides the movies, what are the favorite pieces of Star Wars media for other people? You can name games, comic books, manga, live-action shows, animated series, novels, etc.

The only thing that I ask if that you all try not to start any arguments between "Legends vs Canon." I overall prefer Legends myself (though I still have my fair share of dislike towards some stuff in it), but there is Star Wars stuff that I like from both continuities.

My overall biggest favorite Star Wars media, (even over the movies) is the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon. It was the first thing from Star Wars I saw as a kid, and I nearly watched every single episode as it first premiered on Cartoon Network, and I originally purchased Netflix just to watch the sixth season, which was a Netflix-original at first.

For Comic Books, I love Charle Soule's Darth Vader and Knights of the Old Republic comic featuring Zayne Carrick who is one of my favorite Jedi Characters in the entire franchise.

The only live-action Star Wars show I've completed is Andor, and I loved almost every second of it.

Narukovore - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1593
Posted on: 01/30/25 01:15PM

The 2008 Clone Wars series is my absolute favorite Star Wars show. The 2003 miniseries by the creator of Samurai Jack is very good too.

Maximinimal - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1250
Posted on: 01/30/25 01:55PM

LEGO! either the actual sets (looking at that OG Millenium Falcon with a staggering amount to piece together) or the video games..I like them better this way.

Xalrun - Group: Moderator - Total Posts: 4982
Posted on: 01/30/25 02:03PM

I loved the clone wars cartoon and I actually enjoyed the Lego Skywalker saga game when I actually gave it a chance. Also the Cal kestis games were some of the best ones I've played, I ended up liking survivor so much I beat it twice in a row.

Moonman - Group: Member - Total Posts: 389
Posted on: 01/30/25 02:07PM

All of the old Lucasarts games, specifically those on the N64 and PS2. Jedi Power Battles just got re-released for modern systems and I'm looking forward to playing that.

Oppai_chan - Group: Member - Total Posts: 541
Posted on: 01/30/25 02:37PM

Andor was the live-action show that nobody asked for, but to everyone's surprise turned out to be a real gem. Without big-name legacy characters to worry about, it had the freedom to tell its own story, and what a story it was. It is a breathtakingly fresh interpretation of everyday life and resistance under the boot of the Galactic Empire. The prison sequence was brilliantly dystopian, and is some of the best science-fiction I've seen, not just Star Wars. The show also did a brilliant job of portraying the Galactic Empire as a menacing antagonist through its banal and bureaucratic tyranny, which is far more realistic and, indeed, disturbing than outlandish acts of villainy. Kino Loy and Luthen Rael's monologues have some of the best acting and writing in the entire franchise (Mayfield's dialogue with the Imperial remnant officer in Mando S2 also tops my list), and their essential message of making sacrifices for a future you will never witness is inspiring and timeless. This is an incredible show and one of the few bright spots of what has otherwise been a dismal decade of Disney's ownership of the franchise.

gulabjamuns - Group: Member - Total Posts: 661
Posted on: 01/30/25 02:45PM

My interest in SW peaked in the late 90s with Episode 1 and lasted until around the end of the 2000s, the last SW thing I really remember enjoying was Darth and Yoda as guests in Soulcalibur 4, lmao. Aside from that and the first 6 movies (ok and Rogue One) I liked pretty much any of the N64 and GC games, like Shadows of the Empire and Rogue Squadron. After Episode 7 I honestly lost all interest in the series and went on a Star Trek binge lol.

Never got a chance to look into any of the TV shows much, like Clone Wars and The Mandalorian, nor what I'm guessing is the most successful SW video game KotOR.

I kinda like Sailor and the Seven Ballz, if that counts... XD (not the sequel tho, that was entirely forgettable...)

Monbo - Group: Member - Total Posts: 146
Posted on: 01/30/25 04:15PM

To add to my original post, my favorite Star Wars Book is easily the Book of Sith Reference guide by Danial Wallace, which is an in-universe collection of six writings by Dark Side Users throughout various eras of the Star Wars Galaxy: historical text made exiled Dark Jedi Sorzus Syn on the Sith species, war journal entries by Darth Malgus, a written account of Darth Bane's Rule of Two, historical-religious explanations by Mother Talzin about the Nightsisters, a scientific journal by Darth Plagueis in regards to the Force, and finally a manifesto by Darth Sidious about his triumph. Also, on various pages are comments left by people who originally had these texts in their possession with Luke being the last recipient.

It really made the History nerd (and later History major) in me go crazy by getting to see how the Sith evolved as a culture throughout history. They essentially started as polytheistic, somewhat Ancient Middle-Eastern inspired culture and species, to a monotheistic religion during the time of Darth Maglus to Darth Bane, and finally becoming a materialistic, atheistic philosophy by the time of Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious. It was also fun to see people respond to each on a single page, such as how Vader, Sidious, and Luke all left comments replying to each other in that order in regards to protecting a nation's capital. The book is also a testament to the rich amount of story and lore that existed in Legends.

Finally, I was none too familiar with Luke after the end of the Original Movies, so it was a pleasant surprise to read Luke's comments that painted him as an incredibly wise-figure, dwarfing the wisdom of Mace Windu and even Yoda who also both commented on the Sith writings. I personally find that this Luke is my favorite take on the character as you can tell that he learned from the mistakes of the Jedi in the past while still upholding the core principles of the Jedi since their foundation.

Pollix - Group: Member - Total Posts: 274
Posted on: 01/30/25 08:35PM

mostly enjoyed the media out on video games, some of my favs were

Shadows of the Empire (N64) (clunky controls, amazing soundtrack)
Phantom Menace (PS1) (glitched the camera to go in a normal 3rd person view in Tatooine, and spent many hours running around town)
Jedi Power Battle (PS1) (fun co-op game with my bro)
Pod Racing (Dreamcast) (would play a remaster of this, it was fun)
Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox) (slow/boring combat, but the story carried it through to the end)

Liked the sci-fi world of it all, hours well spent

humingbird - Group: Member - Total Posts: 528
Posted on: 01/30/25 11:12PM

Video games I played the hell out of Star wars battlefront, knights of the old Republic 1&2, Lego star wars

I watched Mandelorian and enjoyed it. I used to watch the old clone wars TV show on uh, was it cartoon network? Brother watched it far more than me but I did somewhat keep up with it l

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