Now Viewing: Everyone come look at this "costume" from the 2025 Grammys. Holy FUCK. o_o
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HOLY FUCK indeed. I have no idea, it's strange... not that I'm complaining.
Thanks for sharing.
Bianca is essentially Kanye's sex slave/doll/pet. It wouldn't surprise me if sometime in the future she was doing the same thing but now with sex toys in her, especially with the thoughts and views Kanye's shared. Damn!
Yh exactly hee-ho she's been doing this before she met Kanye the people commenting saying "oh Kanye forced her to do that or she looks uncomfortable" like mf really
Fucking dumb feminists want to blame the patriarchy and make it sound like Kayne has mind control abilities over her, even though it's been documented that she was doing stuff like this before she meet him. Lmao.
But hey, I don't want to be negative. Let's all just enjoy and discuss such a BOLD FUCKING MOVE.
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