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Now Viewing: I'm starting to have some REAL regrets about my traumadumps to friends
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HugeTiddyEnthusiast - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1226
I'm starting to have some REAL regrets about my traumadumps to friends
Posted on: 02/03/25 07:14PM

Idk how most of you guys view me as, hopefully nothing too negative, but if I have to be honest with myself, I talk a lot of shit behind people's backs. I'm pretty sure some of my friends think my family are absolute morons with no dignity or common sense in sight. And I pretty much describe one of my friends as drunkard stoners with Adderall issues.

Come into to a discord call with him, this stupid mf blurts out hella loud on a speaker about how one of my family members lost Hundreds-thousands dollars from a scam and going off on that bullshit. Same thing similarly happened to another friend over dinner. Literally just went out and said "how's your dysfunctional ass family been, lately?"

Now I don't like my family (I could legit be here for a week typing to tell all the bullshit they've done and continue to still do and say to me). But fuck, I gotta stop bringing up garbage about my family. The fucking loser stoner drunkard friend who plays vidya is more of a loose cannon and doesn't know how to shut his fucking mouth to save his life, and the others can have some real slip-ups when it comes to saying shit.

Either way, it's a really bad habit I picked up after university. I basically socially engineered a goddamn soap opera drama for myself. Being a retarded adult fucking sucks.

VIZARD_ - Group: Member - Total Posts: 667
Posted on: 02/03/25 07:29PM

I don't know you personally but you're pretty chill and every person on this earth I guarantee you has talked sht behind peoples back its kinda common, that does suck to hear about ur friend talk shit about a family member I would suggest letting go of him and find new ones I've done it before ad for the trumadump I suggest finding someone to talk about talking really does help

HugeTiddyEnthusiast - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1226
Posted on: 02/03/25 08:08PM


I should probably just find confidance into talking with someone about this.

VIZARD_ - Group: Member - Total Posts: 667
Posted on: 02/03/25 08:11PM

Yh definitely man it really does help

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6462
Posted on: 02/03/25 08:16PM

Yeah dude, I learned that lesson a while back to be honest. I didn't necessarily trauma dump to friends, but I'd definitely tell people unsavory details about my life just because it felt so good to vent. And then I would cringe so hard afterwards knowing that I told them such, especially if they remembered or joked about it without me wanting them to. I learned to zipped my lips, and overtime, the effects started to lessen.

Believe it or not, I hold back nearly every vent about my personal life that I have on here, in the forums. I could really tell y'all about how fucking dumb and unbearably annoying some certain people/situations are in my life can be, but then I realize the aftermath it could have. Therefore, I simply just distract myself until the urge to vent goes away. I go meditate, go outside for a walk, play a video game, distract myself with titties, etc.

And then the feeling goes away. And then I either say nothing about it or talk about something else, like video game boobies.

Hopefully you find a way to move past this. Maybe in due time this will happen less and less, and you accept the fact your friends know what you know.

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4551
Posted on: 02/03/25 08:21PM

Nah, you're fine. It happens.

HugeTiddyEnthusiast - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1226
Posted on: 02/03/25 09:53PM

Yeah I think moving forward, I'm not going to say anything about my other social circles to the other social circles. I feel that it'll bring some some shitty repercussions l8r in life, and I don't need that on my death bed; let alone early adult life.

SongByFire - Group: Member - Total Posts: 70
Posted on: 02/03/25 10:11PM

My advise is to vent to people who you trust with and not talk so often about your family problems. Yeah sure its frustrating not being able to vent with your friends, but its better than having those details get spewed at random by someone at an importune moment.

Maximinimal - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1248
Posted on: 02/04/25 12:39AM

if you feel that way,I still recommend seeking help from a professional psychologist,not someone you've "trusted" for so long...who will eventually stab you in the back when you least expect it.

HugeTiddyEnthusiast - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1226
Posted on: 02/04/25 01:16AM

Maximinimal said:
if you feel that way,I still recommend seeking help from a professional psychologist,not someone you've "trusted" for so long...who will eventually stab you in the back when you least expect it.

Sounds like you have experience

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