Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Gelbooru source 0.1.11 is released. Get it here!
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De:Light - Group: Member - Total Posts: 8
Posted on: 01/07/12 12:37PM

mrrod - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Will you be updating the version?
Posted on: 03/21/12 07:51PM

Will Gelbooru be updating the source version for people wanting to host their own Gelbooru like site?

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 03/21/12 08:13PM

The newest version of the 0.1.x line is available on the SVN. I don't think that 0.2.x will be released to the public for a while.

fuhosnmg - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
SVN is down
Posted on: 03/23/12 03:05PM

$ svn checkout
svn: Server sent unexpected return value (502 Bad Gateway) in response to OPTIONS request for ''

Is the svn down? or maybe I didn't find the correct url?
I'm trying to grab 0.1.11, thanks!

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 03/23/12 05:33PM

Yeah, it's down for awhile... I'll put up a zip file link with the 0.1.11 version sometime later.

formypas - Group: Member - Total Posts: 11
Posted on: 03/26/12 12:42PM

Would someone be so kind as to write more extensive install instructions? I find myself a bit lost, but shall continue to try and figure it out in the mean time. This first thing the install instructions say to do is "Make sure to fill in the information in config.php", I do not even know how to do this lol. I downloaded MySQL and am messing around with it. Any help would be much appreciated.

Jerl - Group: The Real Administrator - Total Posts: 6783
Posted on: 03/26/12 01:03PM

You fill in the information in config.php by opening it in a text editor, such as Notepad, and editing it.

formypas - Group: Member - Total Posts: 11
Posted on: 03/29/12 02:44PM

I am stuck on "Ooops?" page now. I'm not sure if localhost/install ever worked, I didn't notice any changes after I did it.

cashballer - Group: Member - Total Posts: 40
Posted on: 03/29/12 10:55PM

I've installed MySQL, PHP, and Apache, and created an Apache server for localhost. I also created a MySQL database, but I'm confused as to what to do next. I updated config.php with site_url = localhost and the appropriate root password, but running create_db.php doesn't do anything, as far as I can tell (it doesn't give any errors, though).

Any advice as to what I need to do? I'm just trying to get it running on my machine, for now, but I don't have much experience with web servers or databases.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 03/29/12 11:38PM

It would just be localhost. I'm not sure if localhost would work.

You need to enter the database username and password and the database's name as well.

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