Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Gelbooru source 0.1.11 is released. Get it here!
Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.

IamSoAwesome - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 10/30/09 12:31AM

I'm trying to install on a local server, but whenever I go to localhost on the browser, all I get is a page saying "Ooops". I can't install it, cause all I get is that stupid "Ooops" page. Does anyone know why this is happening?

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 10/30/09 10:02AM

Unable to connect to MySQL's database.

exlurker - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Caveats and mass uploader
Posted on: 12/20/09 07:01AM

There is one more thing I had to change which is not mentioned. Large images (>2Mb) require the following:
In /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 20M
(change the number to suit your needs).

There is also a typo in includes/post_list.php:
html_entity_decoe should be html_entity_decode

With respect to the mass uploader, I wrote the following:

for i in *; do
curl "localhost/index.php?page=post&s=add" -F 'source=A' -F 'title=B' -F 'tags=C' -F 'rating=s' -F 'upload=@'${i} -F 'submit=upload';

(It took me a few minutes, but seems to work. Change to fit your needs. All code in this post hereby released as GPLv3).

Tabbie - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 12/21/09 03:58AM

Is there a way to install/run this without running all of db.sql? I am unable to create the trigger needed for the comments because I don't have the SUPER privilege. Are there any workarounds?

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 12/21/09 04:02AM

The trigger for the comments is removed in 0.1.10 I believe. It is not required in 0.1.11, which is on our svn. PM me if you wish to have that copy or know how to use svn.

exlurker - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Script to see images with a given tag
Posted on: 01/24/10 12:09PM

(good for fast fullscreen viewing of a local webserver)

QUERY="use $DB; select image from posts where instr(tags,\"$1\")!=0;"
cd /var/www/images/1
qiv $(echo $QUERY | mysql --disable-column-names --user root --password="$PASS")
cd -

LazyTiger - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4
Posted on: 05/15/10 03:22PM

lozertuser said:
The trigger for the comments is removed in 0.1.10 I believe. It is not required in 0.1.11, which is on our svn. PM me if you wish to have that copy or know how to use svn.

What's the url to the svn?

dizzykat - Group: Member - Total Posts: 11
Migration from Shimmie2 to Gelbooru
Posted on: 06/24/10 04:56PM

Is it possible to migrate the data from a Shimmie2 site to Gelbooru. If so, do you guys have the documentation.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 06/24/10 05:52PM

Not yet sadly. I have a converter halfway finished, but it is not decided when I'll get back to it.

cypherpunks - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2
Posted on: 08/26/10 02:04PM

Batch upload. It useful.
May be do this for user this admin rights?

Or upload by FTP. And after uploading, we point the folder and add images to DB this same tags.

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