Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: Gelbooru source 0.1.11 is released. Get it here!
Keep it civil, do not flame or bait other users. If you notice anything illegal or inappropriate being discussed, contact an administrator or moderator.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 11/18/11 10:03AM

Ah, so you were the one connecting to every repository trying to view the contents.

raki - Group: Member - Total Posts: 6
Reply to lozer and duck
Posted on: 11/19/11 02:36AM

@slayerduck: Yeah! That's you!
There are a lot of security issues in 0.1.x. If I have some free time, I will submit it.
You have already gotten the 0.2.x source code and playing with it on your sites.
But you don't (and never) share it to everybody. Why?

@lozertuser: Oh! You have figured it out!
Why don't you make all of your repositories public?
Why don't you keep the web open and accessible to all?

If the source code is opened, legally and publicly distributed, anybody (who know programming) will be able to help you make your source code safer, better and more stable.
There are a lot of successful open source projects have been published in the internet. For example, WordPress and Danbooru, they are all success.
Please note that Gelbooru 0.2.5 is still NOT stable as you guys considered. There are still some bugs to be fixed.

slayerduck - Group: Project Sponsor - Total Posts: 153
Posted on: 11/19/11 05:04AM

I also still use 0.1 because its more easy to deploy and requires less resources (up untill a high number of images).

And who says 0.2.5 is stable? it still says beta on the front page.

Fenriswaffles - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5
Posted on: 11/19/11 06:28PM

Running 0.1.11, I was able to get batch_add.php to work fine up to about 3200 images, and left it at that for a while. Recently tried adding more images, it acknowledges the tag and extension but won't add them. I have changed nothing on Apache MySQL, PHP, or gelbooru since I last batch uploaded, the DB info and permissions are still the same.

In the end I guess its probably something I messed up, but considering all I did since then was add an imageboard archiver, I can't really figure out what. I just want to know if there's some limitation I wasn't aware of. I'm able to upload individual images just fine.

Alternatively, if there's some 3rd party bulk upload script that works with the gelbooru scripts that I could use instead would be fine. Or are those only Danbooru?

asonofashadow - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
How do you admin your gelbooru?
Posted on: 11/19/11 09:07PM

How do you admin your gelbooru?

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 11/20/11 10:52AM

By deleting images/comments/moderating forums asonofashadow.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2248
Posted on: 11/20/11 10:56AM

Fenriswaffles said:
Running 0.1.11, I was able to get batch_add.php to work fine up to about 3200 images, and left it at that for a while. Recently tried adding more images, it acknowledges the tag and extension but won't add them. I have changed nothing on Apache MySQL, PHP, or gelbooru since I last batch uploaded, the DB info and permissions are still the same.

In the end I guess its probably something I messed up, but considering all I did since then was add an imageboard archiver, I can't really figure out what. I just want to know if there's some limitation I wasn't aware of. I'm able to upload individual images just fine.

Alternatively, if there's some 3rd party bulk upload script that works with the gelbooru scripts that I could use instead would be fine. Or are those only Danbooru?

It may be possible that the script execution timeout expired. You may want to set the php script to have a time limit of 0, to disable the countdown php has by default.

slayerduck - Group: Project Sponsor - Total Posts: 153
Posted on: 11/20/11 03:21PM

Fenriswaffles said:
In the end I guess its probably something I messed up

Also make sure your php has high memory limit set, the tools lozer make tend to rape your server and if they are not set high enough they will crash. I set mine ridiculously high like 1024M but something around 32-64M should work normally.

Fenriswaffles - Group: Member - Total Posts: 5
Posted on: 11/20/11 04:05PM

slayerduck said:
Also make sure your php has high memory limit set, the tools lozer make tend to rape your server and if they are not set high enough they will crash. I set mine ridiculously high like 1024M but something around 32-64M should work normally.

It was originally at 512, set to 1024 for safety and because the machine has 16gb so what the hell.

lozertuser said:
It may be possible that the script execution timeout expired. You may want to set the php script to have a time limit of 0, to disable the countdown php has by default.

Like I said, I had changed nothing since I last batch added, it doesn't appear to be a timeout issue

However, only having uploading a small portion of my library, I just went and wiped and reinstalled Gelbooru. It all works fine again, and with the timeout gone, I don't have to keep reloading the script for uploading more than 200 images at a time. Thanks for that.

maebari - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1
Posted on: 12/04/11 07:09PM

0.1.10 is working great for what I need but I'm looking for the mass add functionality, how would I go about getting the svn information for 0.1.11?

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