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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 20:07:08 » #590459

are those warts around her nipples?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 23:30:41 » #590730

No, they're called Mongomery Glands, and they secrete a substance to help lubricate the nipple during lactation. Sort of like how guys have little secretion glands on their scrotum to secrete oil & pheremones, these glands can get "backed up" with secretions and puff up / stick out. Some women squeeze them and get a white lube-like substance out of them. It's considered "normal" for a woman to have them, but I still feel that if a woman is getting them it's because the glands are backed up for some reason, either from eating a poor diet or something else. It could also be cultural, just like how some girls get very wet and guys of their culture don't pre-cum while guys in other cultures pre-cum a lot while the girls are fairly dry down there. Everybody and every genetic variance in race is different. There's still quite a bit about the human body we don't know, but I hope this helps.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-22 01:40:23 » #590895

anon #2 why waste your time when Anon #1 has no clue on womans anotomy.. lol

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-23 15:50:55 » #592794

she has third boob behind her right arm

1 Points Flag
Getaro commented at 2011-01-23 17:46:29 » #592887

Anon4 killed the pic for me, lol
But wow, Anon2, respect, I'm learning stuff at Gelbooru, didn't thought of that, thanks for the speech bro!!!

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-28 00:21:49 » #598544

What's wrong with her nipples and what's with the single back fat roll?

0 Points Flag
AlkemicReaction commented at 2011-01-28 17:41:53 » #599355

The reason for the skin fold behind her arm is because of the weight, and extra skin, from her boob, plus the fact that she's leaning to the side.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-28 18:02:24 » #599378

her nipples are her whole boob

2 Points Flag
Ecchi-Virizion commented at 2011-11-25 10:45:14 » #935156

Anon2 has a lot of time to be sparred with the explanation. lol.

0 Points Flag