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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-20 18:51:50 » #1953854

It hasn't been .net in well over a decade.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-20 18:57:30 » #1953855

4chan is all about mind control, the embryonic marginals of society become entrapped there, pupate and ultimately emerge as "soldiers of 4chan," i.e. mind controlled psychotics; it works by the principle of reflexive (or mirror) mind control, whereby the subject subconsciously learns to brainwash himself (yes, it's almost always a "he"), by repetitive, ritualized interactions with images (usually shock pornography or graphic violence) coupled with absurdist/fascistic slogans resulting in acute adreno-dopaminergic arousal and addiction, followed by tolerance, to same; the ultimate consequence of which can be fruition and externalization of mind-controlled rage fantasies, which are themselves purely real-life replays of the selfsame encoded violence they had unguardedly and unawarely been surrendering themselves to over a period of months, in some cases even years, through the mechanism of 4chan's mind control image-centered gestational framework. In short, 4chan is a forge for violently active insanity.

5 Points Flag
ThisPlaceGetsMeOff commented at 2016-05-20 21:07:25 » #1953903

That was an incredible read.

2 Points Flag