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Anonymous commented at 2016-12-14 03:31:55 » #2064455

She seems more like an xbox girl to me.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-22 20:00:29 » #2069149

That's the Vita, not the PSP.

0 Points Flag
Angel_Blade2 commented at 2017-09-26 18:11:50 » #2170581

^Anon1: No, why? XD

She seems much more like a Sony and Nintnedo girl. :p

Of course, it depends on the games for the most part, not the console, but well...

Most JRPGs and other stuff in general seem to be on Sony systems, while Nintendo has mostly kid's stuff, but are pretty fun in their own right.

Most of xbox is all shooters and crap and I guess Chiaki could like that too, she says she likes and is just about good at everything but dating sims. ^^;

Man, I wish she was real and I could help her be good at them. XD

It's too bad I'm so much older than her. >_< But meh, that it's a problem with me, just other people to worry about. :p LOL. XD

I wonder what kind of dating sim she would like if she was good at it. ^^;

I only know Hatoful Boyfriend and... Katawa Shoujo, LOL. XD

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Angel_Blade2 commented at 2017-09-26 18:12:22 » #2170582

Oh yeah, there's all the Key Visual Novels, the original before the anime, eroge or non-eroge, but... meh, I never really got into them like most people. :p

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Anonymous commented at 2020-04-22 03:44:11 » #2516737

Is this a copypasta?

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