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Nafe commented at 2016-12-31 05:55:51 » #2073375

Need more Ryou love.
Earlier in the series, I actually liked her more than Kyou and she was damn near my favorite in the VN.
Now, put down the pitchforks Kyou fans, I love her equally if not more than Ryou about half way through the anime. But despite her actions and shy nature...Ryou is the most sexually forward girl among the crew of beauties (if you played the VN). And that contrast just really scored major points with me.

10 Points Flag
0504 commented at 2017-02-24 16:58:07 » #2101708

Yeah, the anime and even that Fujibayashi OVA don't really do justice to Ryou. Still, to me Clannad really is one of the very few VN's and animes where I simply can't choose one or even two of the heroines over the others... Only Nagisa can really be separated from the rest, as she will always belong to Tomoya in my mind... ^^

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-08 04:34:18 » #2116998

Why are they sitting in a bathtub full of piss

3 Points Flag