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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-05 14:52:47 » #2116095

Menace either wants or has a whole harem of girls right? I mean there's plenty of characters here who show interest in girls but Menace making an army of sexy servants to do with whatever she wants is something I've always supported.

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ukuna_matata commented at 2017-11-14 15:04:52 » #2183697

you have the impression that she is lesbian so I can tell you she is not , her character book states Menace 1 dislike is people who don't listen to her. and the kingdom of amara that she rules only has a population of 96 , so roughly interpreting there is a even population of men / women / children. large portion of the Girls in Queens Blade aren't lesbian statistically albeit there are few small "tendencies" (echdinia) here and there the official character book doesn't not state that

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