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JJ_Zalem commented at 2017-08-20 03:08:12 » #2159505

Mystic Goku meets Ruby Rose.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-08-24 00:45:41 » #2160511

I... I really like this new form. More than any other transformation.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-12 03:56:06 » #2166137

The SSJ4 eyes with a different color set are a nice touch... Old Kaio-Ken muscle structure, too. Also, nice. I sort of miss the wavy hair that looked like hair, but I always understood the change, so a few strands drawn in is a lovely throwback, I think.

Super has made me hate auras, though... And the overuse of vocals when fighting, while not adding impact through visual and sound ques has become a sad constant. They say you don't need the blood to make Super exciting, but I just watched most of this tournament with the stakes being pretty damn high... and no one is really getting hurt in ways that show or matter. Piccolo's arm losses are about it. I don't count the fodder, and even if I did, it wouldn't matter in this. So the scratch marks and torn shirt don't really sell "battle thrashed" if you aren't going to put some blood over the eye, a trail down the chin, maybe a burn mark or two. Even a bruise, maybe?

But it really looks like Goku, right? I mean... that's him. That's Son. No question. I feel like he hasn't really been around. Still... there's nothing to gauge it with, and his opponent doesn't impress me visually - which many claim is the point and I claim is lazy even if it is. About as lazy as a purple sash and purple Hammer pants for the first cannon female Super Saiyajin... But whatever. This looks damn good, and I'm glad it exists. Here's hoping.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-10-08 00:33:16 » #2173575

The name for the transformation is “Ultra Instinct”. Add a tag, if you can. I don’t know how to operate the site well.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-10-08 01:24:25 » #2173587

Visually not that impressive, but powers are boss. Probably my second favorite after GT's SSJ4.

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