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Anonymous commented at 2017-12-14 09:45:16 » #2192647

seriously I wonder what would happen if two guys were to connect their urethras with a tube and one of them cummed. would the cum go into the other guy's cum sack? and let him cum with more semen? o.O oh godness

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-15 13:39:13 » #2192971

Well there are technically two urethra holes, one for urine and one for semen. If the reverse flow were to go into the urine urethra, it would be stored in the bladder (has been proven) until it is expelled through urinating. As for the hypothetical semen back flow it might end up going into the prostate only to be oozed out later on.

Hope that clears up your questions of anatomy.

59 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-20 14:52:42 » #2194505

It would also hurt.

A lot.

16 Points Flag
Ilçeren commented at 2018-01-07 11:08:08 » #2200221

Actually, no, it wouldn't. Only case where it would hurt is if it reaches the bladder/prostate storage limit.
Whenever someone is about to cum and the urethra is blocked (by a ring, for example) the outbound cum doesn't return to prostate, but it instead takes the path of least resistance: to the bladder. It doesn't hurt, maybe just a bit uncomfortable because of the pressure, but that's all.

33 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-01 17:16:25 » #2208143

hnng I'd gladly receive some cum anywhere it goes anyway

12 Points Flag