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MasterDFrejmarian commented at 2018-09-15 21:29:15 » #2281036

This is a mercedes benz not a BMW. BMW was an airplane engine brand back at this time.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-09 06:07:33 » #2322179

Einsatzgruppen were a response to the genocidal tactics of Russia and the Allies. Stalin executed his own men for running from the battlefield, and executed anyone deemed a threat to the state outright. Churchill ordered the firebombing of civillian targets with zero military value. The difference is that Hitler only resorted to these "cruel" tactics after these same tactics were used on German civilians.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-01 19:31:03 » #2331550

Execution for desertion is not something unique to the Soviet Union (almost every nation in the world practiced it including Germany and Japan), and the Blitz had reduced most of London to rubble years before Dresden (and was a stupid, wasteful decision that was one of two principal reasons Hitler lost the war, the other being Barbarossa). There is a wee bit of daylight between that and building a massive organized system spread across multiple countries dedicated to nothing but extermination of as many human beings as possible, as efficiently as possible, and hiding it from the world.

3 Points Flag
cptnovvio commented at 2021-08-01 10:29:55 » #2635019

Altough it delivers the message i think fighting in what are by a technical standpoint "parade uniforms" with riding pants and jackboots and all, because even if the army and waffen ss used jackboots in combat they were a lower version ornthey were outright replaced with the time's equivalent of swat tactical boots with laces.

1 Points Flag