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Anonymous commented at 2018-10-17 12:44:18 » #2292768

Not a gay or any of this stuff, but THIS picture looks pretty well, I must say. Don't even know why.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-17 13:17:13 » #2292775

It looks good because its hot and I wanna lick those abs and balls, also maybe sort-of-gay

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-02-24 09:12:59 » #2495997

Everyone's a little gay, it's fine. A lot of people are also in the closet, even though they're only a level of gay that would never even result in real-life gay stuff.

I will probably never fuck around with a man in real life, but I enjoy a picture of a dick now and then.

1 Points Flag
Galantamine commented at 2020-03-16 03:27:42 » #2502601

Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people are wired for at least a little same-sex attraction. (See the Kinsey scale.) Many cultures did not have a concept of "gay/"straight" and didn't consider it unusual for people to have both same- and other-sex sexual relationships. "Homo sex is wrong" came via ancient Judaism into Christianity and Islam which both then spread the idea. Religions are fairy tales, but their cultural influence is pervasive even among people who aren't strong believers. Shitloads of animal species, including other primates, engage in non-exclusive same-sex activity; it would be weird for humans to be a total exception. I'm totally pansexual and I fucking love it.

Now, this looks good because it's the fucking perfect body of a god. Like, we know what male human phenotype looks like, and that's the Platonic ideal of it. Not to mention his well-sized testicles and giant throbbing cock, which are an "honest signal" (look it up) of health and fertility.

3 Points Flag