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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-29 08:25:34 » #2318499

Being canon makes this Bardock objectively superior to the old Bardock in every way.

Canon = Better

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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-13 07:00:45 » #2323452

I guess new Star Wars canon is better too than. No Knights of the Old Republic and such. We got Luke becoming a hermit like every other failed Jedi and died living a life of probable celibacy. Because “official” is just better.

Sarcasm aside, I don’t give a shit about canon or continuity. I like good stories whether they be interesting, entertaining or thrilling. I don’t need to know that “The Dark Knight Returns” actually took place at some point to enjoy it. Likewise I could give a shit if the Clone Saga actually happened in Spider-Man’s life. I want to be able to pick and choose because if being a fan means I have to accept any garbage they give me and ask for more like a good doggie than I respectfully decline being a fan of anything.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-30 03:25:38 » #2329703

Being a cunt aside I'll gladly take the new Bardock who instead of getting psychic abilities from some lizard alien dipshit and hyperventilating about the future for an hour he used his head and realized their ruler was an evil dick head (SHOCKER) and in a last selfless act he made sure his son survived extinction and after fighting off frieza's chump soldiers gave it his all in a huge blast attack rather than throwing some pathetic ass ki ball that ate shit in a millisecond.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-02-08 00:15:57 » #2333945

The result is the same. It’s not like it was shocking that Freeza was evil, but knowing that’d he arbitrarily kill off his own followers even when they were completely obedient and did nothing wrong was what pushed him to defiance. And his future sight allowed him to see his son in the splitting image of him finish what he started, avenge his people and friends which allowed him some peace or closure in death. I’m sorry if his original story and death made you feel like he was an uncool chump and not a selfless badass hero or whatever but he couldn’t even stop Dodoria so what did you honestly expect him to do against freezy pop himself when he was bloodied, injured and surrounded? I guess this would be one of those times to conveniently ignore power scaling and write to suit the scenario, like maybe he could just go SSJ all of a sudden?

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