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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-22 21:46:39 » #2326826

Her tits are pretty much famous, probably the some of the most iconic pairs out there at this point. To reduce their size would be like giving Chun-Li skinny legs or Cammy no ass.

I don’t mind her having optional different outfits that might conceal them more but don’t completely change or remove something from a character that makes them recognizable. You wouldn’t give Cloud different hair or sword, don’t give Tifa a different fucking body.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-29 13:23:18 » #2329424

Square Enix should learn a thing or two from Capcom on how to make a damn good remake if they want $$$ and have their reputation restored in the eyes of their fans

1 Points Flag
WashiZ commented at 2019-02-07 12:10:15 » #2333743

@Anon @2326826: That's what I said a couple years ago on another Tifa pic, and I was downvoted multiple times for it.

Yeah, there'd be absolutely no point in reducing them. It'd be to no-one's actual benefit.

2 Points Flag