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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-24 09:14:59 » #2354769

Being an Amazon probably means she likes or prefers her time to be with women seeing how Amazons usually live in a society, village or tribe of all women. Which is a shame really because I bet with that ass and those thighs, she could probably take a lot and squeeze out some kids like it was nothing.

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Anonymous commented at 2020-06-18 10:40:32 » #2542802

Amazons in Greek mythology often had hetero relationships as well, and were probably not much gayer than the average Greek anyway. But if you are going to talk about being accurate amazons, you should remember they also cut off one of their breasts, which is not very sexy...

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Blanketslate commented at 2020-06-18 11:05:00 » #2542833

Not all Amazons underwent the breast removal ritual. Some archeological finds have indicated a larger society made up of warriors with different branches, only archer Amazons removed their breast for accuracy. Amazon women who used spear and shield are noted to have never underwent that ritual. And even more so, Amazon women who were not warriors never had the ritual at all. But it is interesting that a entire society of Women ruled a large portion around the Black Sea.

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Karen_Cujo commented at 2020-06-18 11:10:11 » #2542835

Educational stuff in Gelbooru comments? Such a rare event.

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Anonymous commented at 2020-06-18 23:32:27 » #2543141

The hell are you even talking about, Blanketslate? Amazons were mythological. Are you talking about some of the peoples that inspired them, like the Scythians? They were not a "society of women" by any stretch of the imagination, they just had more female warrios than the Greeks were used to see. Also the Scythian men were regarded as effeminate, which could lead to confusion.

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