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MakoRuu commented at 2019-04-26 21:45:47 » #2370315

People don't realize that if you trace, it only dulls your skills as an artist, and you'll never grow.

1 Points Flag
Kings_Brand2113 commented at 2019-10-15 15:30:16 » #2446619

Are you saying that this is traced?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-05 03:45:24 » #2477001

Now I'm curious as to where it was traced from.

Plus, tracing isn't bad all the time, especially for beginners who don't really know where to start or haven't t found a style of drawing that suites them. For artists who have careers that depend on their own work however, thats a whole other story, especially if plagiarism is involved. But then again, plagiarism at any level is bad. My point is, tracing is good to practice and draw inspiration from, but not to produce actual art for content, commissions, to earn a living, to be claimed as your own, etc.

3 Points Flag