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Phrike commented at 2019-04-22 17:35:52 » #2368360

taking your little pets on a night walk, a duty of a good master, the pink haired one seems to be enjoying It unlike the white haired one, that one seems to be annoyed and about to bite you so bad.

7 Points Flag
anormalpotato commented at 2019-06-28 18:34:35 » #2400581

Well, why could it be?
To answer that's question, we need to look at the legs. There we can observe two designations. They seem to be 001 and 002, simple ID numbers, right? Wrong. It's actually 0O1 and 0O2. So the happy one is free of free oxygen atoms, making her biologically immortal, and the pissed off one is free of full oxygen particles, making her biologically very mortal.
But... that's just a theory. A pr0n theory! Thanks for reading.

6 Points Flag
purpleporrim commented at 2020-02-02 18:08:01 » #2487806

thanks for coming to my TED talk

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