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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-23 13:29:31 » #2382712

I’m glad she’s mostly staying out of the fight now because:

a) Her body would be way too distracting to with or against and

b) It’s better that that body of hers stay away from potential or significant risk anyway. Just like how you wouldn’t want a beautiful painting ruined, harmed or stolen, it’s best to keep her safe

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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-27 15:34:15 » #2384671

I’m really appreciative of all that thick and roundness in those thighs and how her clothes bunch up and start creasing to reveal parts of her body and breast elsewhere. Clothes can do a lot more than just be removed, ignored or torn apart for sex appeal. There’s a bit of kink in seeing her outfit get ruffled and disheveled too.

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