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Anonymous commented at 2019-06-26 19:32:09 » #2399630

thanks for making me laugh that face was great

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-26 21:56:13 » #2399693

dont care if shes my sister if she did that i would so fuck her that minute

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-27 04:15:44 » #2399825

Interesting anon #2, hentai is more popular in Alabama than I thought.

41 Points Flag
Dero_Weiss commented at 2019-06-27 16:09:23 » #2400052

Hes an icecold motherfucker...

2 Points Flag
betterthanreal commented at 2019-07-11 08:35:03 » #2407029

so do they finally hook up? I stopped watching the show, they never went anywhere with it. the whole purpose of the show seemed to be a tease with a generic story.

0 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2019-10-16 04:21:36 » #2446886

@betterthanreal Okay, so...

The show hasn't gotten there yet (a season 2 was recently announced, but no length as of yet), so this is all from the light novels for now.

Eventually, Miyuki is named the next head of the Yotsuba clan, and it is publicly revealed that she and Tatsuya have secretly been members of the clan (and their mother was the twin sister of the family head) all along (this was known to the reader/watcher from very early on).

However, they revealed it along with a lie that Tatsuya was the child of the family head instead of her sister, making the two of them cousins instead of siblings. Privately, to Tatsuya since his totally hax abilities allow him to tell that was obviously a lie, she told him that Miyuki was actually a genetically engineered human whose DNA was completely different from his anyway, making her genetically unrelated despite them technically being siblings.

Also included in that public announcement was the two of them were to be married.

However, Tatsuya outright stated that he couldn't see Miyuki as anything other than his sister, and couldn't see himself harboring romantic feelings towards her. Even after Miyuki tells him she has been in love with him for years ever since he saved her life as a child (she basically hated him before that).

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-28 17:56:20 » #2486186

So then who wins the tatsuyabowl?

3 Points Flag