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yamete commented at 2019-07-11 06:25:28 » #2406978

New version of monaka's past pictures. A translation of this would be nice.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-11 09:00:57 » #2407043

Old version was translated but someone removed it for some reason.

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ZimZam commented at 2019-07-11 21:53:14 » #2407304

Yeah I was wondering where the translation went. I was happy someone actually decided to translate one of my posts. I upload the text versions just for the slim chance someone might get to it. I would of just uploaded them to danbooru where all the translators are but that sites mods are so full of shit it's not even worth it. They basically only allow pics that they personally like and not what's within the rules ect ect. Please, if anyone's willing, these pics deserve a translation.

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