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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-17 15:45:07 » #2410222

Uh oh. That's not a very good idea. Broly will beat that ass when he finds out how you've been touching his girl.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-29 23:15:39 » #2415749

But this is cuck and ntr stuff where the girl will keep quiet, the guy getting stolen from is unaware and not very perceptive and there’s no consequence to being a sleazy scumbag. Having characters act reasonably and sensibly has no place in this kind of scenario because the moment you say anything or ask questions, you’re immediately told to shut up and accept it because two consenting people having sex is boring to some people even if it’s more plausible and more likely to happen than something that’s completely contrived.

2 Points Flag