This post was deleted. Reason: Non-Japanese Artist/Terrible / MD5: b43e4468653ebd95b5a323018dbea3c1

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Anonymous commented at 2010-01-26 11:13:13 » #212423

I think even with the "Not enough Japanese related" Rule some of the submitted 'Western' pictures pass by just beeing awesome to look at unless some retard is going feeding his weekly nerdrage.

My personal opinion about this particular picture is it's neither awesome ( my reason to let it pass ) nor does it look like it's been drawn by a person related or even familiar with japanese drawing culture ( the rule of the board ).

The Lineart itself is of monotonous strength which would be okay if it were an Oekaki drawing but not for something like this which should have a propper change of weight in the lines.

The Perspective is a pain in her ass... The only thing that almost got a real perspective is her right foot.
Everything else looks like it's somewhat between 2D and 3D.

The Shading doesn't help here either as it looks like I'M the lightsource when I watch her and his ass but then again I'm NOT when I look at her Chest and Head.

The Background is an uninspired, continuous pattern with some FAT brushwork around the edges but overall totally boring and by the choice of color abnormally dominant.

I'm not familiar with YOUR standards but that's NOT Art or at least not in MY O-PIN-ION.

Funny thing I've got to mention is the Signature which looks best ( talking about dynamic Lines ) in the whole picture.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-01-26 21:24:53 » #212840

I agree with the above anon.

3 Points Flag
Aspada commented at 2010-01-26 21:48:16 » #212889

i agree also.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-05 16:42:03 » #220143

Shut up Diosoth (i said it in a good manner "this is anime related site"), but well if you are too butthurted and start ranting, let me share my part now.

This is not well done to be admitted here, and even if it was intended to be "Anime" it fails in so many levels, just look at it... there are not even words to describe the fail perspective, the fail coloring, the designs are terrible.
The entire pic is fugly.
And because of that i'll say the truth, the Tenzen and Nancher's pics you submitted are a lot better than this, really, and i mean REALLY.

And you fail by hidding the comments, you know they are right, like Anon3 said this is really bad

You FAIL, fuckface, wanna try again ranting?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-06 03:37:41 » #220420

Wow, you have no life. You're really gunna get that mad cause some guy posted a picture that wasn't anime enough for you? And the way you went off. . .

Pathetic. . .

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-19 00:04:15 » #228512

^The only one pathetic here is the uploader, who thinks this is a portfolio to promote his stupid and retarded fanfic.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-06 19:30:58 » #427970

Hey! his Fanfic is awesome! I bet you can't write or draw even half as good as diosoth!

1 Points Flag
DearS_Lover91 commented at 2010-11-01 11:43:32 » #491978

Why do (Weaboo fags) care about whether something is drawn by a Japanese or not? Don't they Understand that "If Some-thing's Good, It's Good"? Or can they Not Accept the fact that the West has many talented artists, Ones that rival (and maybe surpass) the great Japanese artists? Besides, Fapping to Japanese art Means Mostly Fapping to Pixelized blobs over Anything Remotely Exciting!

0 Points Flag