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Anonymous commented at 2010-05-07 18:03:50 » #295869

Someone please explain to me why he's not fucking at least ONE of these girls.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-07 23:47:22 » #296152


Or he's being nice and giving them to us :P

1 Points Flag
Nodrog commented at 2010-05-08 12:02:52 » #296525

More or less what my childhood was like
they didnt know I knew how to unlock my bedroom door :|

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-09 18:11:40 » #297601

He's too drunk :O

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-18 19:16:10 » #337391

Not everyone is a fucking rapist, anon1. If he were to have sex with someone who is asleep it would be rape because he wouldn't have their consent. Also, not everyone is a fuck-crazy who thinks about sex and only sex. Some people have PRIORITIES, sex not being one of them.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-18 20:10:47 » #337445

Sex is the only priority, anon4.

4 Points Flag
AlkemicReaction commented at 2011-09-06 13:50:21 » #870187

I agree with anon4.
Besides, given they're comfortable enough to get drunk and naked with him there, perhaps they'll reward him for his "priorities" later.

1 Points Flag
lolivore commented at 2011-09-11 01:44:30 » #874364

I ll take the young loli

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-05 21:45:18 » #1843902

I'm with AlkemicReaction, and anons 4 and 6. not everyone is like lolivore, and anons 1, 2, and 5. Some people just want to have fun, and if that involves being in a room full of beer, wine, and half-naked girls of varying ages without even a hint of sexual intercourse, fine by me!

Also, Nodrog. I think that's the reason why the loli in the lower-right was there in the first place, everyone was just too drunk to care. The more the merrier, I say. Although I probably would've just acted drunk by lounging on the couch with a wine bottle full of ginger ale until the kid popped the lock and showed up. Then I'd sit her on the couch and hand her the bottle while I stand up on the backrest and figure out the state of undress of the other party members. If they're still fully dressed, I'll just leave the kid on the couch. If some (or all) of them are missing a few clothes I'll strip the kid nude and hide her clothes under the couch. In either case, I'll then join the fun with the grownups while she waits there like a good little girl (unless she wans to come with, then I'd sit her up on my shoulders and carry her around with me).
And once she falls asleep, runs out of ginger ale, or both. I'll bring her back to her room and let her sleep until morning (making sure to bring her clothes as well, so everyone else thinks she did that to herself as compensation for not being able to hang out with the adults). Unless the party ends up like the pic above, in which case me and her will both reserve the couch while everybody else collapses on the floor.

1 Points Flag
somnophil commented at 2017-09-10 22:30:06 » #2165806

>:( Somonophilia 4 lyfe!

0 Points Flag